# Events

# Events

Events are actions that people take - they're very verby. Events are initially associated with a Role until someone accepts the Role, then the Event is the direct responsibility of that person (or Group).

# Tasks

Tasks are Events that have a beginning and end (dates and times).

# Milestones

Milestones have an end but no beginning.

# To-dos

To-dos have no times applied to them, but they do exist within a Timeline, and so are by proximity somewhat connected to the times of the other Events in that Timeline.

# Timelines

A Timeline is just a collection of Tasks, Milestones, and To-dos. While they don't represent a specific action, they encompass actions, and can have associated Roles, Notes, Documents, and Attributes of their own.

# Projects

A Project is a collection of one or more Timelines (each having zero or more Tasks, Milestones, and Events)

# Things associated with Events

# Label

Every Event has one. Those for Tasks, Milestones, and To-dos generally begin with a verb.

# Description

Longer, less transitive information about the Event.

# Comments

More ad hoc, changeable Event-related information.

# Notes

Simple, rich text bodies of text stored directly in the All-In database. Quick and easy to write and read.

# Documents

Documents of any file type and program. Documents themselves are stored outside the database, possibly somewhere out in the cloud; but, extensive metadata about them are stored in the All-In database for quick refernce - including detailed version control.

# Attributes

Data-points designed in Composer and attached to Events in Performer, to store and track metrics or qualities that can be significant, across Events, Timelines, and Projects. Essential tools for measuring and reporting on performance.

# Times and Timezones

Every User and every Event has a Timezone associated with it. These can change anytime. The system arbitrates between the times and timezones of Events, and of Users, to assure that people really know what is due when, wherever they are, and wherever everyone else involved happens to be.